Very Hairy Caterpillars

Make your own very hairy caterpillars!! The kids will have a ball watching the 'hair' grow!

You will need:
Some egg cartons, you can make them as long as you like
googly eyes
pipe cleaners
cotton buds
grass seeds - we used Jamie Durie's Patio brand especially for kids activities from Big W

Using the glue, add your googly eyes on to your caterpillars

Fold half a pipe cleaner in half to form the antennae.
Use glue (or tape) to secure to the caterpillar.

Dip cotton balls into water and squeeze slightly.
You want them quite wet but not heavily dripping.

Pop 2-3 in each section of the caterpillar egg carton.

Sprinkle your grass seeds on top of the wet cotton balls and then water in quite
a few times during that first day. You don’t want to soak the egg carton, but you
do want the seeds to have plenty of water so they start to germinate.
Keep in a nice sunny but not too hot spot. This is a perfect springtime activity!
Water them each day, keeping those cotton buds moist. It’s ok if the egg carton
starts getting a bit damp from all the watering – they’re pretty sturdy!
After about 4 days you should see some sprouting action, and after a week your
Very Hairy Caterpillars will actually be hairy!

Keep watering them and they will keep growing and depending
on the conditions you should also be able to give them
a little haircut after a while longer!
This guest blog was written by the very delightful Bianca from a little delightful ,
Her gorgeous blog is a Lime Tree favourite and is about all sorts. Life, love, crafts, baking, decorating, organising, memory keeping, travel. We are very proud and delighted to have Bianca join us as a regular Guest blogger xxx