The BEST Mum-Approved Memory Games for Kids of All Ages

Memory games for kids are big at our home! We take them along on road trips, bring them out during rainy days or when it’s too hot to go outside or for Family Board Game nights!
Here are some of my top picks for games that help improve memory and boost recognition skills in preschoolers and young kids:
Memory Tray Game
This classic kids’ game has been part of many a birthday party and is super simple to put together. Simply place a variety of objects on a tray while the kids are in another room. Items could include pencils, pens, paper clip, a coin, an eraser, a cellphone maybe! It depends on the age of the children. Include fewer items for younger kids and more for older ones.
Place the tray in the middle for everyone to see and memorise. Pick up or cover the tray after about 45 to 60 seconds, again depending on age of the playing children.
Have all the kids write down whatever they remember. Tally up! Play again if you’d like!!
Want a sensory experience when playing memory? Check out the Janod Memofrutti where all the pieces have a fruity fragrance. While you can play it like the traditional memory game, for an added twist or for older players, blindfold the players and have them guess and match the pieces based on the fragrance.
This gorgeously illustrated Memory game is a favourite here because it’s so pretty and fun!! Younger kids will have fun playing it by simply placing one set of cards down and have the kids pick one at a time and remember which one was where while matching them!
In this day of the iPad and electronic games, traditional games for kids are still tons of fun and give everyone much-needed time away from technology!
Do YOU have a fave memory game you like to play with the kids?