Switched to Stainless Steel Lunchboxes Yet? Must-Know Reasons You Should

Stainless steel lunchboxes are big for the Lime Tree Kids team. Yes, Shelley switched to these lovely lunch box containers a while ago and while she did post about them and why they made the switch from plastic to steel, today, I want to elaborate on her reasons for loving steel lunch boxes so very much.
So, here are the best reasons I think steel rocks when it comes to packing lunches:
1. Steel Lunchboxes = Superhero Strength
One of the first and most important things about steel is that it isS.T.R.O.N.G. Yes, and as a mum, I’m sure you agree, plastic and glass don’t stand a chance. Like Shelley mentioned in her post, her kids drop lunch boxes all over the place and chew on the lids. Mine has a knack for dropping her lunch box too.
Steel is made for dropping. Seriously. Hard knocks, bumps, falls,it can take a lot and that, alone, makes switching to steel so worth it. No more buying a new lunch box, every other month or having lid-less lunch boxes.
2. Swooning Over Stylishly Chic Designs
Lest you be thinking that steel lunch boxes may be strong and everything but they’ll look ugly and your kids wouldn’t want to carry them, feast your eyes on how gorgeous they are. From modern, sleek styling to chic colours, you can be sure that everyone in your family will be happy to carry these to work and school.
3. Easy-to-Tote and Use =Mum’s Best Friend
You know what this mum likes about steel? The fact that it is so lightweight and compact that I can easily toss it into my handbag with snacks for our day out and not have to worry about the added weight. Ooh, and did I mention that the lunchboxes from Lunchbots and Kids Konserve are dishwasher-safe? So, if you want, just chuck them into the dishwasher at night and voila,clean lunchboxes in the morning. I don't own a dishwasher though AND still find them supremely easy-to-clean.
4. Earth-Friendly Goodness Made Easy
Being eco-friendly, one baby step at a time, is what we believe in. Making the switch to stainless steel lunchboxes is just one way of doing that. Plastic, besides not being bio-degradable is also known to leach into foods and can be carcinogenic. Steel, ahem, offers NONE of those risks, either to the planet or your health.
Ready to make the switch? What will be YOUR reason? Share with us in the comments below or in the Lime Tree Kids parent community on Facebook!