Easy Graffitti Art
Today was one of those perfect Pinterest proud moments ! (Try saying that a few times fast !!)
You know , one of those times you feel like you’re one of those mums you’re normally looking at in admiration thinking : “how did they think of that !!” .
Ok ok so I “borrowed” the idea OFF pinterest but it still makes me super crafty and awesome doesn’t it ???
Normally I find painting with kids a little scary , it really can swing either way , one minute it’s all happy days , the next there’s paint on your new lounge and teeny tiny red footprint s down the hallway (unless your smart enough of course to do it outside
Well my daughter is still at the age where she just meshes all the colours together and then abandons the brushes for more exciting squiggles made with her fingers . So this was fun for both her and I to make. She does heaps of painting at Kindy so it was fun to be able to do one together easily at home.
Anyhow here’s how we made this amazing masterpiece! It was fun to do and the perfect addition for my office wall !
First grab a canvas, paint , masking tape and protective gear – oops I mean art smock !
Decide on the word you want to use (we used LOVE ) , make this word out of the masking tape.
Give said canvas to your little one / s and let them go wild !
Once finished let the paint dry and peel off the masking tape to reveal a world class masterpiece !
If you’re not already, join us on pinterest (we have a slight obsession with it !!!)