Brushing Teeth Chart
My son likes the feeling of ticking a box or accomplishing a task and seeing an instant reward.
For him we pretty much do routine charts for everything. We have one for washing hands, one for brushing teeth , one for morning and after school and evening routines. We have one for behaviour and one we use sometimes for regulating his emotions.
The boy REALLY likes his charts.
So anyhow this is the chart we have been using for monitoring the brushing of his teeth. It’s easy to use and shows clearly when and how often he has brushed his teeth.
I find if he doesn’t use it , we just forget to do it twice or even oncea day . I know .. Ewwwww !!! But we rae busy and that’s how it is ! This is placed in our bathroom where we brih our teeth and wash our hands after the toilet . SO I see this pretty regulary and it reminds me to remind him . Works a treat !
Click here to download your copy - LTK_toothbrush_chart.pdf