Back to School: How to Make School Season Fun for Little Ones

Do you have a little one who’s scared of going back to school or maybe, even starting school?
Are you wondering how you’d leaving a howling and screaming little one all by himself on that first day??
Well, you aren’t alone!
As mums ourselves, we’ve felt awful about the first day of school with our kiddies, so here are our tips on making it easy for everyone, you included:
1. Take a School Tour
Visiting the school is so important for both you and the kiddies. Whether you go for a guided tour or take the kids to see and play around in the school before it opens, make sure you visit so that it doesn’t seem all new and strange to them.
2. Get Fun Back to School Backpacks and Lunch Boxes
Seriously, I cannot stress this enough, especially for the littlies. They get SO excited about their brand-new backpack and lunch bag or snack bags, that they want to go to school right away!
Check out some of the cutest backpacks and matching lunch bags and pencil cases from Penny Scallan, Gooie, Skip Hop and more in our School/Kindy section.
Help them pack it, write their name on it and take a few pics as well;)
3. Pack a Fun {but Healthy!} Lunch
We have a host of healthy and yet adorably cute lunch ideas collected for you on our Pinterest “Lunchbox” board. You can also, check out some lovely cookbooks by mums, like the Cut out the Crap Lunchbox Solutions cookbook and the Wholefood Simply cookbook and Cut out the Crap for Kids cookbook.
4. Plan a Great "First Day of School" Evening
Have a mini welcome party for your kids when they get back from school. A warm cuddle, a glass of milk or juice, a special treat and lots of snuggling as you listen to everything they did.
Have them help you pick out outfits for the next day, if there’s no uniform at school and ask them for one special thing they’d like in their lunchbox. I say, “one” because otherwise it gets a bit crazy for this Mum ;)
5. Get an Early Start
Finally, for the first day, and even for the first week, make sure you get an early start. Have a cup of tea, shower and dress, pack the lunches and then, get the kids up and ready! You’ll be less stressed and they’ll be happier too. Try it!!
What are your best tips to get kids all happy and fuss-free on the first day of school?