3 Creative Ways to Make Road Trips with Kids Triple the Fun for Everyone

Road trips with kids are a great way to see the country and also, bond together as a family. However, when you think about the squabbles, the whining, the endless road and rest stops stretching ahead of you, you may disagree with me. BUT, what if I told you that you can make your next road trip with the kids super fun for everyone, you included!
How do I know? Because we take short road trips pretty much every 2 months, and we LOVE them!!
Here’s what works for us and am sure will help you to infuse more laughter, smiles and fun into your next road trip:
1. Travel Games Take Away the Frowns
“Are we there yet?” is a dreaded road trip question but when the kids are busy playing fun games, the miles just fly past and you’ll not hear this even once.
Travel games are a must-have for road trips. While it is easy to hand the iPad or smartphone over to the kidlets, I’d recommend more creative and tech-free toys, like:
Tiger Tribe’s Washable Colouring Books
Janod Animal Design Magic Magnetic Drawing Board
Donkey Products iWood My First Wooden Tablet
Travel Chalk Mats
Magna Play Magentic Playset
2. Snacks for Smiles
Pack a stash of snacks to take with you. Hungry kids are cranky, just like hungry adults. So, snacks that fill you up, give you an energy boost and keep the munchies away are a must for every road trip.
Some of our faves are granola bars, bliss balls, sandwiches, fruits, nuts and cookies.
I also keep everything nicely stored and fresh in reusable snack bags and sandwich bags, and carry hot drinks in my gorgeous Cheeki Tea Flask while the cool drinks go into the stylish and sturdy stainless steel drink bottles.
3. Space for Everything and Everyone
Finally, the backseat can get crowded when there’s more than 1 kid, right? And you don’t want to be breaking up fights constantly about who’s crowding whose space.
Smart products, like the Snack N Play Travel Tray and the Travel Pal help keep everyone’s must-haves in their space and prevent squabbles and tears.
How do YOU make road trips with the kids fun for yourself and the kidlets as well?