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The journey of Sam

April 4, 2013 By Lime Tree Kids Lime Tree Mumma Blog & Special Needs comments
My gorgeous boy just turned 6! I can’t believe that we have come so far in such a short time. He is funny and quirky and high energy and cheeky all rolled into one. But it wasn’t always this way.

You see my son has been diagnosed with Autism , more correctly high functioning Asperger’s with severe ADHD . This is only the latest diagnosis there have been many over his short 6 year life. It’s called the “closest working diagnosis” which means he really can’t be fit into a pigeon hole because of his background and traumatic start to life.

It all began when we picked up Sammy from the nursery in Taiwan where we adopted him. The nursery run by Christian Salvation Service is a high quality excellent facility that is run by caring loving volunteers and nursing staff.
Sammy had a rough start which is his personal story so I won’t go into it but let’s just say he had so many things against he almost died a few times in the first few weeks, he was tube fed for a LONG time and this has resulted in some interesting and perplexing complications for him.
He is a battler though and when we picked him up at 9 months old he weighed about the same as a 3 month old, was extremely unwell and very disconnected from people. All of this was a big surprise to us.  

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CamelBak Eddy .4L FAQ's

April 1, 2013 By Lime Tree Kids Product FAQ's comments
How do I put the Big Bite™ Valve back in the cap?
Follow these instructions to re-insert the Big Bite™ Valve component:
1.Flip the stem collar (the component the bite valve passed through originally) to the open position. You should be able to look through both the opening in the cap and the opening in the collar.
2.Turn the cap over and orient the bite valve so the finger tab points towards the back of the cap (where the handle loop is). Insert the tip of the bite valve through the cap and the collar until the end of the Big Bite™ Valve peeks through the outer end of the collar.
3.Turn the cap over and grab the end of the Big Bite™ Valve and pull through until it sits in the grooves incorporated into the collar. If you pull the Big Bite™ Valve too far out these grooves will be visible. Just press the valve back down until these grooves are seated.
4.Turn the cap over and press on the base of the valve to make sure it is seated.
5.Insert the straw (either end, it doesn’t matter) into the hole in the valve base. Don’t over-insert the straw, just until you feel resistance.  
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