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A fully magnetised Chore/Task Chart that combines your children's expected weekly activities with a monetary value on completion of the task, in order for them to 'earn' their weekly pocket money.
This fully magnetised chart is so verstaile and can easily be moved and tasks/ values adjusted accordingly, whilst introduci children to real-life applications for mathematics within the family home and in everyday fun!
Included: 1 x Pocket Money Maths chart; 1 x Pocket Money magnet sheet (37 pocket money magnets, 2 name tag magnets, 2 weekly total magnets); 1 x dry-erase, magnetic pen. Material: the Pocket Money Maths Chart and pocket money magnets are made of soft rubber magnets; NOTE: This product is a magnet and must be attached to a metal surface such as a fridge, magnetic picture board, whiteboard etc. Some stainless steel fridges have low levels of iron in their doors and are therefore not magnetic. Please check the magnetism of your fridge before purchasing. Dimensions: Pocket Money Maths Chart 27cmx39cmm; Pocket Money magnets 3cmx3cm Recommended for Ages 3years +
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