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Monkey and Chops Magnetised Daily Routine charts are available in 2 formats : A Fully Magnetised Board and pieces designed to fix directly to metal surfaces or a Magnetic Hanging Board which has cord to hang on a wall and a magnetic front and pieces - easy to hang in children's bedrooms or anywhere in the home.
Get organised with this great magnetised, interactive Weekly Activity Planner.A magnetised board, providing children with visual reminders that encourages co-operation, builds understanding and confidence in the weekly schedule, organisational skills and positive behaviour. This magnetised chart is so verstaile and can easily be moved and adjutsed as activities change to place a photo of themselves in The Weekly Activity Planner is an excellent tool for developing co-operation, teaching responsibility and helps with learning days of the week, time and day awareness.
The 3 photo frame magnets can be used to add photos of special people that your child may be spending time with during the week eg. A day with grandparents, mum, dad, friends or nanny. Simply cut out a photo to size and place it onto the planner in the desired position, then place the magnetic frame directly over the top.
Included with Weekly Activity Planner: 1 x Weekly Activity Planner magnet; 1 x Activity magnet sheet (includes 33 activity magnets, 3 photo frame magnets, 3 blank magnets, 1 Monkey & Chops daily magnet); 1 x dry-erase, magnetic pen.
NOTE: The Fully Magnetised product is a magnet and must be attached to a metal surface such as a fridge, magnetic picture board, whiteboard etc. Some stainless steel fridges have low levels of iron in their doors and are therefore not magnetic. Please check the magnetism of your fridge before purchasing.
Dimensions: Weekly Planner 27cmx39cm; Activity magnets 3cmx3cm
Recommended for Ages: 3yrs +
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