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A beautiful, round floor puzzle that encourages a healthy growth mindset.
The Sun Salutation 'Surya Namaskar' is a series of linked asanas (poses) done in a flowing sequence. Done with regularity, it increases flexibility, strength and mental accuracy within a deeply harmonious and 'holding' yogic frame.
Practising the Sun Salutation creates a quiet island of calm for children and adults, at the beginning of each day, giving a vital moment to collect ourselves in an ever fast-paced world.
This 49 large piece puzzle has several roles: Gratitude, Movement, Imagination and Learning. Assemble the puzzle and do all the puzzles from the top clockwise!
Explanation sheet for each pose is included. This puzzle promotes fine motor skills, spatial thinking and sequential movement.
50cm diameter and contains 49 thick cardboard pieces, approx piece size : 7cm x 7cm Recommended for Ages 4 years+
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