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Starting children off on a balance bike is a fantastic, easy and fun way to build their balancing skills, giving them confidence and a great foundation in preparing to ride a pedal bike.
The Trybike allows little riders to learn and grow at their own pace, with this 4 stage tricycle-to-balance bike.
The saddle seat cover and chin protection are in pink and are easy to change (dark brown is also available).
Stage 1 : The low tricycle mode which offers a child support while starting to walk and ride from just 12 months of age.
Stage 2 : Convert the low tricycle to a low bicycle. This is when the next stage of riding starts, keeping one’s balance.
Stage 3 : Convert to the high balance bike. Just flip the frame and create the highest wooden balance bike on the market.
Stage 4 : Convert the tricycle with the frame in Stage 3 position, serving primarily for fun or for extra support. Children with a disability and children who find it difficult to keep their balance will benefit from the high tricycle.
Additional info:
1: Low Tricycle age indication: approximately 12 months to approximately 2.5 years. 2: Low Bike age indication: approximately 2 years to approximately 4 years. 3: High Bike age indication: approximately 3.5 years to approximately 5 years. 4: High Tricycle for children who need extra support. PO BOX ADDRESS NOT VALID FOR THIS ITEM. PLEASE SUPPLY A POSTAL STREET ADDRESS WHEN ORDERING.
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