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Kids ride on toys have never been more fun than now with the lovely, multiple award-winning Australian-designed Wheely Bugs!!
Safe and user friendly for children at the cusp of walking to post toddler, the bright and friendly designs are an instant hit with both little girls and boys!
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I wish it came in a size I could use too! I love this toy! Oh, and my 13month old loves it as well :) It is easy for her to wheel around herself, but not too slippery on the floor that if she stands and pushes it slips away from her. When sitting on it, the height is just right for her to still have her feet on the ground to kick herself along. The face is adorable on the Pig, and leads to squeals of delight whenever my daughter sees it!It cleans well - as we found out on her birthday when one of the bubs smeared food on it.Such a great toy, highly recommended!