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These weighted lap bags are used in many home, clinical, school and work environments for those living with (but not limited to):
They can be very helpful for the child who is unable to sit still in their chair, constantly fidgeting/squirming as they are seated, easily distracted, unable to focus on the task they have been set or to sit quietly and listen to the subject being discussed. Deep Pressure Touch Stimulation (DPTS) can stimulate the release of serotonin in the brain, in turn helping children and adults to be calm, relaxed, concentrate on a task and moderate their sensory input.
In a practical sense, Weighted Lap Bags can be placed on the child/adults lap at times when they are required to focus on a task and/or for a longer time than they can generally tolerate. For example; sitting at a restaurant, during seated classroom activities, doing their homework on a computer, travelling on public transport/car as well as in the workplace or home computer for adults.
They may also be used as part of a 'Sensory Diet' as prescribed by an Occupational Therapist at times for the child to self regulate their sensory input if they are over stimulated and need to calm down before attempting a task which requires focus (ie: coming in from outside, running in the playground to sitting at a table and chair listening quietly to the teacher). They are made in boy/girl/unisex prints and filled with non-toxic poly pellets (the same that are used in some teddy bears and soft toys). The pellets are separated into 10 sections to ensure balanced weight distribution. The shape of these Weighted Lap Bags allows them 'mould' to the shape of a child's legs in the seated position. There are 2 rows of 5 sections, with the centre sections sitting inbetween their legs to make a more 'snug' or 'moulded' fitting over their legs. The standard size of the weighted lap bags are approx 45cm x 28cm.
These Weighted Lap Bags are fully machine washable and they are covered by 2 layers of good quality fabric and are sewn using a heavy weight cotton. Different materials and prints will be used for the outer layer to suit the individual.
Suitable for ages 3+
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Perfect Size For Little Laps I bought this small, lap-size weighted bag for my grandson who has trouble sitting still and focusing on completing tasks.This bag helps keep him settled and able to concentrate on his activity.