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A great interactive tool for boys to learn how to aim correctly whether potty training or big boys. Wee Target creates a fun incentive to focus on the task!
Easy to install, the plastic targets stick to the inside rim of the toilet to give little boys (and not so little) something to aim for.
Boys simply aim at the heat sensitive black spot and if they are on target, it will disappear revealing a fun image - then flush to clean and it's ready for next time.
It is recommended to change your Wee Target every 4-6 weeks. Your target may well last longer it all depends on urine acidity. Take care when cleaning your Wee Target, no harsh brushing/scratching, use a soft cloth to prolong product life. No harsh chemicals directly on the black spot as this can break down the ink components. Do not flush used Wee Target. Please note you are buying ONE Wee Target - they are each sold seperately - Wee Targets will be randomly selected at the time of shipping.
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