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A beautiful collection of reflections to wind down busy minds and contribute to happiness and wellbeing of our little people. Written by Marneta Viegas the founder of Relax Kids Ltd, UK's leading expert on children's relaxation, The Magic Box contains 52 Fantasy Meditations for children 5 years+ with gorgeous illustrations.
In reading these enchanting visualizations and meditations, both you and your child can experience a special time of deeply relaxing together. With interesting titles such as 'Treasure Dragon', 'Worry Tree', Energy Boost' and 'Happiness Switch' these moments of meditation gently allows the listener (and speaker) to melt into the moment of self awareness - to release, relax and rejuvenate.
Practiced regularly, these exercises can have a profound effect on children's mental, emotional and physical well being. The meditations and visualisations aim to develop children's imagination,confidence,concentration, creativity and self-awareness and provide them with skills that will be invaluable for the rest of their life.
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