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Raising Resilient Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Strategies for Maximizing Their Strengths, Coping with Adversity, and Developing a Social Mindset (Family & Relationships) by Robert Brooks, Ph.D., and Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. - Authors of the bestselling 'Raising Resilient Children' explores your child's path to finding strength, hope and optimism.
Drs. Brooks and Goldstein--world-renowned experts on child psychology and, specifically, resilience, offer you practical tips for long-term solutions rather than just quick fixes. Featuring dozens of stories and an easy-to-follow, prescriptive narrative, Drs. Brooks and Goldstein demonstrate how to apply resilience to every parenting practice when raising a child with autism spectrum disorders, preparing him or her for the challenges of today’s complicated, ever-changing world and helping your child develop essential social skills.
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Providing a reassuring guide that helps your child :
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