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Nothing fortifies a child like genuine connection with a loved one.
Our children can be our greatest teachers. Parenting expert Susan Stiffelman writes that the very behaviors that push our buttons — refusing to cooperate or ignoring our requests — can help us build awareness and shed old patterns, allowing us to raise our children with greater ease and enjoyment.
Filled with practical advice, powerful exercises, and fascinating stories from her clinical work, Parenting with Presence teaches us how to become the parents we most want to be while raising confident, caring children.
Stiffelman writes about children being our best teachers, which sounds cliche - but isn't in this book (you've got to read it to see how she does this). She writes about things you don't often see written about in non-shaming ways, like anger (parents' and child's) and disappointment in parenting (there's a whole chapter, called Throw away the Snapshot, that delves into that subject - with a heaps of wisdom).
Chapters Include :
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