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My Tricky Eye-Spy: The Stranger Danger Awareness Book (Paper Back)
The fun and easy way to keep your kids safe.
My Tricky-Eye Spy teaches children how to stay safe from dangerous strangers. Presented in a lighthearted way, this book is designed around the solid principles of effective learning so that children can easily take away its very important message.
Every parents greatest fear is a child being abducted or abused by a stranger. Despite being told “Don’t talk to strangers”, many social experiments have shown the vast majority of young children will happily walk away with a complete stranger within 30 seconds.
In this book the importance of stranger danger is reinforced through catchy rhymes such as “I’m ready to SPY with my Tricky EYE, Anyone fooling me, Any where, when or why!”, colourful illustrations, scenario questions and repetition. This book also prepares children on what action to take should anything happen to them, and reinforces the need to speak to someone they trust before dong anything.
This book is written by the same authors at the international best-selling book"My Underpants Rule", both great books for keeping your child safe. Both books are great to
Like a nursery rhyme, reading this book regularly with your child will ensure the lessons stay with them for life. Suitable for boys and girls aged 3 to 8+ 33 pages – paper back version
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