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THIS is how Australians do an Aussie Burger with The LOT including pineapple, beetroot and egg!
A delicious, wooden iconic toy that is stacks of fun! So, how do you stack yours? Burger Bun - A distinctly sweet bun with sesame seeds. It should be able to withstand juices and burger sauces.
Lettuce - crunchy fresh and crisp!
Onion - raw or slowly cooked to golden brown. These are a must!
Pineapple - a slice of pineapple is the quintessential signal that you are actually eating a True Blue Aussie Burger. Sometimes briefly grilled.
Sauce - BBQ style with a hint of smoky flavour but definitely dark in colour, a nice contrast to the sweetness from the beetroot and pineapple.
Beetroot - Typically Australian. Why? Because it gives it a sweet flavour and best added last to avoid sogginess.
Bacon - salty, sweet, delicious.
Tomato - some people like them, some don't. You choose.
Egg - the fried egg is another symbol of an Australian burger with The Lot. The yolk must be soft and oozing.
Cheese - we like cheddar, melted for best effect and optimal taste. Single or thick sliced.
Beef - the foundation of any good burger. Cooked medium with a bit of char on the outside.
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Recommended for Ages 3years+
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