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Most Australians undeniably have some Arnott’s Shapes in their cupboard, as a favoured go-to snack. Somehow Shapes were guaranteed to be at every kids party since you were little and always sitting next to your sandwich in your school lunchbox — right? Barbecue, Pizza or Chicken Crimpy, whichever you choose as your fave, they are here to stay! Add this classic iconic Aussie snack to your wooden kitchen play set, for even more fun!
Play shops, picnics and cafes all day then store them in their keepsake little tins. Yummy, nostalgic, nice’n’neat and as authentically Australian as a Ute. Perfect. Additional info:
(12 x Barbecue Shapes + shape game, 13 x Pizza Shapes + counting numbers, 14 x Chicken Crimpy Shapes + matching game)
Recommended for Ages 3 years+
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