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" In my room i can go anywhere i want to go,
and be anything i want to be.
all i need is paper, crayons, chalk
...and my imagination! "
A gorgeous book of creativity and imagination to lead the mind on a wondrous adventure! Based on a little girl who can suddenly become a princess in a castle, a speed racer going ever so fast, a busy office worker, and then back in the comfort of her own home.
The latest editions of the growing hearts books are to encourage our young ones to try on different identities and work through difficult emotions, all while enjoying and exploring a bright and beautifully illustrated book.
Hardback book.
Dimensions : 25.5cm x 26.5cm x 1cm
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LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! This book is beautifully illustrated and written. I LOVE how it is displayed and opens from the side, rather than your standard left to right book. My daughter loves this book too!