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All Kids love HowdaHUGs!
The smooth rocking and cradle-like comfort of the HowdaHUG1 make for a calm and peaceful seating experience. Benefits range from better focus, less fidgeting, increased eye contact, more concentration all around peaceful sitting on ground or chair. HowdaHUGs are Eco-Friendly! Know with confidence that HowdaHUG materials are both safe and environmentally-friendly. They consist of 100% cotton canvas and renewable American Basswood, the lightest of the hard woods. Another great feature, all HowdaHUG chairs are made in Maine, USA.
The HowdaHUG1 now features a lovely "calming" cobalt blue colour hinge. Finally, add warmth and additional comfort to your HowdaHUG1 with a shearling liner cover!
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