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The HowdaHUG Petite seat is a great “first chair” for early years and will set the stage for good posture.
The smooth rocking and cradle-like comfort of the HowdaHUG1 make for a calm and peaceful seating experience. Benefits range from better focus, less fidgeting, increased eye contact, more concentration all around peaceful sitting on ground or chair.
This little portable wood and canvas seat, called the HowdaHUG Petite, is made especially for little ones to feel safe in their environment.
For the smaller tot we suggest the shearling liner slipcover. It makes the seat even smaller and more cradle like. The results of clinical trials with the HowdaHUG show improvement in a child’s ability to make eye contact with the teacher, sit longer, and maintain attentive behavior.
The HowdaHUG Petite now features a lovely "calming" cobalt blue colour hinge. HowdaHUGs are Eco-Friendly. Know with confidence that HowdaHUG materials are both safe and environmentally-friendly. They consist of 100% cotton canvas and renewable American Basswood, the lightest of the hard woods. Another great feature, all HowdaHUG chairs are made in Maine, USA.
Age, Weight & Size Recommendations:
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