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Fast, fun and thrilling - that's marble run! Quadrilla marble run offers a world of unlimited possibilities for 3-dimensional thinking, creativity and technical understanding The Space City Set is packed full of helter-skelter fun as marbles whizz through prescision drilled holes in block tunnels and bridges, along rails and tracks, with the added amazing feature of GLOW IN THE DARK effect!
Create and design your own shape, or follow the suggested directions, then customise by adding glow in the dark dome, rooftops space vehicles and stickers. Turn off the lights ... wow! Your creation transforms into a glowing Space City with glow in the dark marbles whizzing down! The marble pool at the bottom catches all the marbles too. The tracks sit level and speed results from the use of different connecting blocks, accelerators & action pieces. All simply combined for fast moving effects. Quadrilla marble run offers a world of unlimited possibilities for 3-dimensional thinking, creativity and technical understanding, providing a fascinating and absorbing game that can be enjoyed by ages 6 to 666! A timeless, award winning educational toy that will provide entertainment for the whole family.
Its totally cosmic!
Includes :141 pieces and 35 glass marbles :
A fantastic set on its own but it can also be expanded with any other set from the Quadrilla Marble Run range. Recommended for Ages 6 Years+
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