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Kids wooden toys from Hape are amazingly fun, durable and exciting too! Like this Little Red Rider that’s a Walker AND turns into Ride-On toy!
This wooden car transforms from a balanced walker to a foot-powered ride-on. There's room to stow essentials in the "trunk." Once your child is comfortable pushing the walker, encourage pretend play by transporting animals, dolls, or blocks.
Styled in cheery red with natural wood accents and metal handles, this balanced walker goes from push walker to foot powered ride-on with ease. So, baby can start using this as he learns to walk and graduate to riding it as a toddler!
A unique 2-in-1 active play toy that’s built to last.
The “car” comes with a “trunk” that’s perfect for stowing toys, dolls, blocks around the house!
Water-based paints makes this safe for little ones as well.
Hours of fun play in store as little ones first push and then, ride this cheery red-coloured car!
Additional Details:
Age: 12 months+
Made by Hape, a leader in designing and manufacturing high quality baby and children’s toys made from sustainable materials.
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HAPE Little Red Rider. Purchased for a 12 mths old not quite walking. Brilliant size fit. Weight good, solid enough to remain upright but not too heavy to manoeuvre. Wheels run freely, a little quick on wooden floor on the walker side, took a little time to understand to 'let go' when the distance between himself and the rider, widened.The sit on rider, accommodated little bottom with no padding. Had a little trouble with front wheels and toes when transversing backward, trapped/pinched toes under the wheels, a little taller in height should make that consideration disappear.Has been adopted as favourite piece of movable furniture. Thanks Hape.