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The World Under Wings (Softback)
Ethicool's picture books for children aged 0-6yrs tackle the world's big issues, inspiring kids to create positive change. Printed using recycled or sustainably-sourced papers and soy-based inks, they have been lovingly created to make story time not only special, but meaningful. Ethicool creates classic, heart-warming stories that contain the messages, inspiration and calls to action to inspire, ignite and amplify the young voices of the next generation, empowering them help change the world.
Every year, the Arctic Terns head off on their migration path, but this year, they noice something concerning. When they discover that their home has started melting away, they set out on an incredible adventure to learn how to save it. Their human friends can change everything – they just have to want to! A truly unique perspective on the state of planet earth, observed through the eyes of the Arctic Tern and their amazing real-life migration, this book is a great way to learn about the problems facing the planet and what we can do to help. Written and illustrated by Tom Gregory Themes: Sustainability, Climate Change, Environmentalism
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