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A Way With Words (Softback)
Ethicool's picture books for children aged 0-6yrs tackle the world's big issues, inspiring kids to create positive change. Printed using recycled or sustainably-sourced papers and soy-based inks, they have been lovingly created to make story time not only special, but meaningful. Ethicool creates classic, heart-warming stories that contain the messages, inspiration and calls to action to inspire, ignite and amplify the young voices of the next generation, empowering them help change the world.
Little Sam doesn't speak. Not once. Not ever. But that doesn't mean she can't say a great many things. Through the power of her creativity, she shows that all children deserve to be heard, regardless of how they choose to communicate. This truly mesmerizing book is for all quiet little ones out there ... and also for anyone who wants or needs to find their voice. Written by Stacy Burch and illustrated by Lucy McLoughlin.
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