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Help your child master telling-the-time using the EasyRead Watch. With a large, clear, detailed dial, colour coded numbers and using the unique EasyRead 3-Step Teaching System, it makes it easier to learn minutes, quarters, half, o'clock, past and to - as simple as 1-2-3! To teach a child to tell the time in ‘minutes past and to the hour’ requires a 3-Step Time Teaching System and this is what you do:
Now we’re ready to use the EasyRead 3-Step Time Teaching System: EasyRead 3-step time teaching system clock
It really is that easy! Now practise until the 3 steps become second nature. Additional info:
Recommended for Ages 5years+
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My little niece loves it!! I bought this watch for my 7 year old niece and she LOVES her special watch. She has been telling the time (very proudly I might add) to everyone since she has had it. She is reading them time so well. Great item. :)