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Pure Platinum Stretch from Crazy Aaron on Vimeo.
This Special Collection By Crazy Aarons is inspired by precious metals and packed with sparkling, multifaceted glitter.
Soft, beautiful Thinking Putty is a luxurious way to play, enriching the sensory experience with shimmer, luster and the wonder of Pure Platinum.
It's called Thinking Putty because while you do whatever you want with it, your brain relaxes to the beauty, power, and mystique of the precious gems inspired putty, opening up to all kinds of creative thinking . You can knead it, tear it, twist it, sculpt it, bounce it, bend it, tear it, stretch it, snap it, pop it.. and it never dries out! Perfect for play and therapy, Crazy Aarons simply brilliant thinking putty is a useful sensory and fidget tool ideal for keeping in your calm down box at home and in the car, for use at school, travelling and out and about.
This tin includes a big handful (95 ml) of Precious Pure Platinum Thinking Putty.
Please note that this product may contain colourants that can stain. Putty may stick to clothing, hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and fabric.
Recommended Age from 3 years.
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