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Based on the 'Sirius" First Fleet Sydney Ferry of 1789, this exquisitely crafted iconic ferry for many conjures up an experience to remember crossing Sydney Harbour and for Sydneysiders it's just the daily commute.
This iconic wooden ferry is painted with authentic colours with 3 main parts , perfect for little hands to explore : the ferry body, the ferry lid which gives access to the 8 wooden passengers and the ferry top where 2 wooden uniformed sailors have their cabins on the top deck. With wheels on the bottom of the ferry to bob it along, there's lots of push and chugging fun.
A gorgeous iconic wooden toy that nurtures imaginations and memories, this Iconic Ferry is certainly a special toy and heirloom. Additional info :
Dimensions :40cm (L) x 22cm (H) x 19cm (W) Recommended for Ages 3 years +
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