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Focus on the central square! Each challenge shows what the "focus" area (3x3 square in the middle of the board) must look like to complete the challenge. Includes 10 colourful puzzle pieces, and 120 multi-level challenges across 5 playing levels..
How to Play :
Step 1 Select a challenge. Each challenge shows the color of the 9 squares in the central area of the game board (the 3x3 area you see through the transparent window when you close the lid). Focus on this area when solving the challenge. Squares can be red, green, blue or white.
Step 2 The object of the game is to fit all the pieces on the game board so that the colors of the 9 central squares match what is shown in the challenge.
Step 3 When all puzzle pieces fit on the game board, close the lid to check if the color placements in the central 3x3 area match with the challenge. There is only 1 correct solution, which can be found at the end of the booklet.
Features :
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